Lowell Five offers commercial mortgages for both investment and owner-occupied real estate. Our lending team will structure the right loan for you with the right terms, including fixed and variable rate options, and a range of payment schedules from one to twenty-five years.
Investment Real Estate
Whether you need to finance a 100,000-square-foot industrial or manufacturing space or a multi-family apartment building, our team will find you the right loan with the right terms and payment schedule. Our experienced lenders understand the market and the unique needs of investment real estate. We customize every loan, offering the best options for the purchase and refinancing of residential, office, commercial, industrial or retail buildings.
Owner-Occupied Real Estate
If you need financing for your commercial or industrial property, we know you have needs that often differ from investment real estate. Based on your business and property requirements, the Lowell Five team will develop a loan package that suits both your immediate borrowing needs and your wider business goals.
Lowell Five also provides SBA 504 Loans. These loans are ideal for larger, more established businesses that need longer-term financing for expansion, capital expenses, owner-occupied real estate and more. They offer fixed or variable rates, flexible terms and lower down payments than conventional loans.
Additional Services for Real Estate Needs
Along with lending options, Lowell Five offers customized banking services targeted to the needs of property management companies, such as lease security escrow account solutions to easily manage numerous rent and security deposit accounts – ensuring easy compliance.
Enjoy the advantages of knowledgeable and friendly local service.
Contact us today to speak with an experienced loan officer about the best options, rates, and loan structure for your commercial mortgage needs. Our team will take the time to understand the scope of your project. They’ll efficiently guide you through the straightforward application process and gathering the materials needed for the quickest decision on your loan application. You can feel secure building a relationship with Lowell Five.
Lowell Five Commercial Lenders:
- Understand the market and your business
- Customize every loan to fit
- Make decisions locally with fast response times
Connect with Commercial Lender
Trevor Bloom
EVP, Chief Lending Officer
Phone number: 978.441.6430 Email address: tbloom@lowellfive.com -
Thomas Boucher
SVP, Commercial Lending Officer
Phone number: 978.441.6499 Email address: tboucher@lowellfive.com -
Sandeep Jain
SVP, Commercial Lending Officer
Phone number: 978.441.6424 Email address: sjain@lowellfive.com -
Mark Katimy
SVP, Commercial Lending Officer
Phone number: 978.441.6468 Email address: mkatimy@lowellfive.com -
A. Justin McCarthy, III
SVP, Commercial Lending Officer
Phone number: 978.441.6417 Email address: jumccarthy@lowellfive.com -
Kerianne Pereira
SVP, Commercial Lending Officer
Phone number: 978-441-6533 Email address: kpereira@lowellfive.com -
John Pratt
SVP, Commercial Lending Officer
Phone number: 978.441.6446 Email address: jpratt@lowellfive.com -
Steven Ventre
SVP, Commercial Lending - Top Commercial Lender
Phone number: 978.323.7285 Email address: sventre@lowellfive.com -
Chris Wilcox
SVP, Commercial Lending Officer
Phone number: 978.441.6441 Email address: cwilcox@lowellfive.com -
Ryan Berube
VP, Commercial Lending Officer
Phone number: 978.441.6539 Email address: rberube@lowellfive.com -
Manal Chakar
VP, Commercial Lending Officer
Phone number: 978.323.7286 Email address: mchakar@lowellfive.com -
Lawrence Estelle, Jr.
VP, Commercial Lending Officer
Phone number: 978.441.6448 Email address: lestelle@lowellfive.com -
Amber Brunelle
Administrative Specialist
Construction Lending
Phone number: 978.441.6535 Email address: abrunelle@lowellfive.com -
Elizabeth Cinelli
Administrative Assistant
Commercial Lending / Small Business Lending
Phone number: 978.441.6422 Email address: ecinelli@lowellfive.com -
Jennifer Matamoros
Administrative Assistant
Commercial Lending
Phone number: 978.441.6439 Email address: jmatamoros@lowellfive.com -
Maria Rappold
Administrative Assistant
Construction Lending
Phone number: 978.441.6534 Email address: mrappold@lowellfive.com -
Kellie Torrisi
Administrative Assistant
Commercial Lending
Phone number: 978.441.6421 Email address: ktorrisi@lowellfive.com -
Colleen Beaumont
SVP, Business Banking
Business Development
Phone number: 978.441.6541 Email address: cbeaumont@lowellfive.com -
Cheryl Popp
SVP, Business Banking
Business Development
Phone number: 978.323.7273 Email address: cpopp@lowellfive.com -
Jillian Daneau
VP, Portfolio Management Team Leader
Phone number: 978.441.6515 Email address: jdaneau@lowellfive.com -
John Heng
Commercial Loan Portfolio Officer
Phone number: 978.441.6434 Email address: jheng@lowellfive.com -
Christopher Johnson
Commercial Loan Portfolio Officer
Phone number: 978.441.6415 Email address: cjohnson@lowellfive.com -
Holly Lagarde
VP, Commercial Lending Portfolio Manager
Phone number: 978.323.7272 Email address: hlagarde@lowellfive.com