Tewksbury, MA – The Lowell Five Employee Charitable Giving Committee is proud to announce that the Second Quarter 2018 Lowell Five Charitable Giving Award recipient is High Pointe House, the hospice and palliative care residence of Merrimack Valley Hospice, located in Haverhill, MA.

High Pointe House offers patients who need specialized end-of-life care, physical, spiritual and emotional support in acomfortable home-like environment. The residence contains 21 private suites as well as a library, indoor and outdoor diningareas, family gathering areas, walkways, and gardens. High Pointe House also offers grief and bereavement support to thefamilies and loved ones of patients facing life-limiting illnesses.
On Monday, August 6, 2018, Lowell Five Bank CEO and President, David Wallace, and a group of representatives from theEmployee Charitable Giving Committee (ECGC), presented Karen Gomes, RN, MS, CPHQ, President and CEO of HomeHealth Foundation, which includes Merrimack Valley Hospice and Donna Deveau, Vice President of CorporateCommunications and Community Engagement for Home Health Foundation, with a check for $7,800. The award representsthe total Employee Elected Charitable Payroll Contribution for the 2nd Quarter of 2018, equally matched by Lowell Five Bank.The ECGC also organized an employee blanket drive for hospice residents and delivered the donated items to High PointeHouse.

“We are honored by the outpouring of support and generosity from the employees of Lowell Five Bank,” said Karen Gomes.“We applaud their community commitment and are honored they chose High Pointe House, our hospice and palliative care residence, for their quarterly giving program. This special gift will be used to directly benefit patients and their families who rely on us as they face one of life’s most defining moments.”
Each year, Lowell Five’s Employees choose four charitable organizations from a list of employee elected nominees to be the recipients of a Quarterly Charitable Giving Award. The proceeds of the award are comprised of voluntary employee donations matched by the Bank. The Lowell Humane Society was the recipient of the Lowell Five Employee Charitable Giving Award for the first quarter 2018.
About Lowell Five Bank
Lowell Five is a trusted community bank that provides comprehensive loan, deposit, insurance, and investment products for individuals, businesses, municipalities, and non-profit organizations across 16 convenient locations throughout the Merrimack Valley and Southern New Hampshire. Lowell Five is a locally governed and managed full-service bank with over 165 years of proven strength and stability, and a 5-star rating by Bauer Financial Deposits are insured in full by both the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF). For more information, call 978.452.1300 or visit us online at lowellfive.com.