Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley, Inc. is a non-profit dedicated to serving the needs of foster children in the Merrimack Valley. Lowell Five Bank employees selected Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley to receive the $10,700
Q1 2022 Lowell Five Employee Charitable Giving (ECGC) Award. Each year, Lowell Five’s employees choose four charitable organizations from a list of employee-elected nominees to receive a Quarterly Employee Charitable Giving Award. The ECGC Award is comprised of the total employee-elected charitable payroll contribution for the financial quarter matched 100% by Lowell Five Bank.
Based in Methuen, MA Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley was established in 2005 by Larry Giordano, his wife Eileen, their children, and a few close friends. Abandoned at five days old, Mr. Giordano was a foster child himself and has dedicated his life to community service. He is a former police officer, City councilor, Commissioner of Public Safety, and State Representative.
The goal of the Giordano Family’s organization is to serve as a positive influence in the lives of foster children through programs such as their Santa’s Helper Program, Scholarship Program, and the Pack-It-Up Program, created to support foster children as they grow. Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley works closely with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) to supplement state and federally funded programs. Their Pack-it-Up Program stocks a closet at Lawrence and Haverhill Offices of DCF with essential items that social workers can place into a donated pack backpack or duffle bag for the child to bring with them to their stay with a foster family. This bag belongs to the child and enables him/her to transport their belongings from place to place in something other than the typical black trash bag.
In addition to their financial award, Lowell Five employees used funds collected via an employee raffle to purchase and donate baby bottles, pacifiers, diaper rash cream, socks, underwear, and pajamas – to help restock the DCF closet.
“Knowing that the children of foster care generally leave their homes with little to no personal items, the employees of Lowell Five were happy to provide items to “stock the closet,” commented Lowell Five Employee Charitable Giving Committee Member, Robin McConnell. “It is so rewarding to work for a company that is so passionate about giving back to its community.”
Visit https://www.fosterkidsmv.org/ to support Foster Kids of the Merrimack Valley.