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Certificates of Deposit

At Lowell Five we offer a variety of Certificates of Deposit (CD) terms and rates.  We also understand that sometimes it takes a conversation to tailor the appropriate rate and term to meet your goals.  Let us customize a CD account for you.  You’ll be doing more than just opening an account, you’ll be building a banking relationship.

Call us or visit any branch for the most current rates and to speak with an advisor today.

You can rest easy knowing that all Lowell Five accounts are insured in full by the FDIC and the DIF.

Current Rates

Account Term Minimum Opening  Balance Annual Percentage Yield
7 Month CD $500.00 4.00% APY*
15 Month CD $500.00 3.75% APY*
35 Month  CD $500.00 3.50% APY*
48 Month  CD $500.00 2.30% APY*
60 Month CD $500.00 2.50% APY*

* Annual Percentage Yield is effective as of 03/17/2025 and is subject to change without notice. Minimum balance required to open and earn APY. Fees may reduce earnings. Penalty will be imposed on early withdrawal.

To take advantage of our CD rates, please call us at (978) 452-1300 to see which rate fits your needs, or make an appointment online to open your new CD today!

Schedule an Appointment to Open Open a CD Online

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